The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) has a range of programme funds that support the British government’s priorities. We are supporting the Macedonian society in a number of reform areas:

  • good governance
  • rule of law
  • economy
  • diversity and social cohesion
  • socio-economic development
  • defence and security sector reforms

To apply for funding
If you are a registered Civil Society Organisation (CSO) and would like to apply for funding then please submit project proposal in a concept format at

The project concept will be reviewed by the Programme Team and you may be asked to develop a full bidding proposal.

Applicants will be notified accordingly.

The UK is committed to putting women and girls at the centre of all our efforts to prevent and resolve conflict, to promote peace and stability, and to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls. Through our programmes and actions, we mainstream gender to respond to the specific needs of women, boys, girls and men and to ensure that their different rights and needs are recognised and addressed, and that everyone can share the benefits.